Gravity, Markets, and Clean Green Nuclear Power

Think about gravity for a moment. It is a consistent, ever present force you can rely on. Is gravity good - or bad?  It certainly can be a terrible thing if you fall off the roof.  Gravity is your friend as it prevents you and your belongings from floating away.

To be fair, gravity is neither good nor bad. It simply is.  A force we can either experience as helpful or damaging. It is how we engage the force that matters.

Free market forces are like that. They represent a predictable force with potential to do both good and harm.  The challenge - or make that opportunity, is to use markets to solve problems and improve lives.  To either demonize or worship free markets is wrong-headed and not helpful. 

We can, and often do, use market forces of innovation and problem solving to good effect. While at the same time maintaining safeguards around the quest for profit to avoid “falling off the roof” so to speak.  The Clean Air Act is a positive example of regulation which was successful in reducing smog and improving air quality.    

Unfortunately, we seem to be increasingly holding back or misdirecting market forces which would otherwise help us solve problems. Efforts to slow climate change are being hampered and misdirected by arcane anti-nuclear regulatory hurdles.  

Nuclear energy is a clean, green, renewable and safe source of reliable primary power.  There would not be a need to impose trillions of dollars of cost on consumers if nuclear power generation was allowed to expand.  New modern infrastructure would be paid for by industry - not consumers as with the draconian mandates to eliminate fossil fuels.    

Let’s let markets help us.  Removing regulatory barriers limiting clean, green nuclear power generation would be a good place to start.


Let’s Check The Map. Regarding Role of Government 


Regarding Best Way to Die